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Welcome to
Victoria Golf Course
The focus at Victoria Golf Course is on ongoing club improvements and creating fun golf experiences… As new management continues to make improvements with the addition of the new renovated practice facility and Yamaha golf carts (with built in USB ports to help keep your phone charged), next up are further plans to address the fairway grass challenges. Victoria Golf Course has always been known for its excellent layout and true rolling greens but has lacked in quality fairway conditions. Due to infrastructure issues under the surface with drainage and irrigation, there is not a quick fix to the fairways. However, the overall course remains very fun to play and with the addition of new specialized equipment to improve drainage in the works, better turf grass growth on fairways is ahead. In the interim the greens are great, the pace of play is good, the beer is cold and the new practice facility is terrific.

Need More Practice?
Join our 310 Club!
$65/month(2 month commitment)
And receive:
*$16 worth of range balls everyday*
1 Large bucket (100 balls)
*Discounted Greens Fee all day long*
*10% off Pro Shop Merchandise*
Nike Junior Golf Camps
Nike Junior Golf Camps is proud to announce the return of junior golf camps in Los Angeles at Victoria Golf Course. Join PGA Class A Professional, Jason Bae, for a week of top-notch instruction and fun this summer!